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从2020年开始俄罗斯将有2种防火认证,EAC TR CU 043/2017 & FStarting from January 1, 2020 there will be two types of Fire Safety Certificates in Russia
来源: | 作者:pmt579fb4 | 发布时间: 2020-02-17 | 1970 次浏览 | 分享到:
EAC Certificate TR CU 043/2017 Starting from January 1, 2020 there will be two types of Fire Safety Certificates in Russia: National fire safety certificate for carpets and other building and decoration materials in accordance with Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulation of fire safety” EAC Certificate TR CU 043/2017 “On requirements for fire safety and firefighting means”

从2020年开始俄罗斯将有2种防火认证 -EAC TR CU 043/2017 FIRE SAFETY 

Starting from January 1, 2020 there will be two types of Fire Safety Certificates in Russia:

Why might this be relevant to you?

National Fire Safety Certificate is valid only in Russia and is an official document which confirms compliance of the products with the Russian national fire safety standards and regulations.

Compliance with fire safety regulations is important for product certification. Product safety is assessed by several parameters. See fire safety classification (KM0 – KM5).

What is KM within Russian Fire-safety certification system?

What is KM within Russian Fire-safety certification system.jpg

Fire Safety Certificate is an official document which confirms compliance of the products with the Russian national fire safety standards and regulations.

According to Technical Regulation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated 10.07.2012), there are six classes of fire hazards of building materials (KM0 – KM5) which is characterized by the following properties:

1.    Combustibility (G)

  • G1 – slightly combustible

  • G2 – moderate combustible

  • G3 – normal combustible

  • G4 – most combustible

2.    Flammability (B)

  • B1 – hard inflammable

  • B2 – moderate inflammable

  • B3 – easy   inflammable

3.    Ability to spread flame over the surface (RP)

  • RP1 – non-spread

  • RP2 – weakly spread

  • RP3 – moderately spread

  • RP4 – highly spread

4.    Smoke-forming ability (D)

  • D1 – low smoke generation capacity

  • D2 – moderate smoke generation capacity

  • D3 – moderate smoke generation capacity

5.    Toxic combustion products (T)

  • T1 – low risk

  • T2 – moderate hazardous

  • T3 – highly dangerous

  • T4 – extremely dangerous

Depending on the fire risk groups Building materials are divided into the following classes of fire hazard:

Fire hazard properties of Building materials

Fire hazard class of construction materials, depending on the groups





















Smoke-forming ability







Toxic combustion products







Ability to spread flame over the surface







These characteristics are evaluated during the test of the samples. After the test, Fire Safety certificate indicating the class of fire hazard is issued.

Usually, when building the public places of mass gathering (school, hotel, hospital etc.) materials with high fire hazard properties (KM0, KM1) are used.

See the list of HS Codes and Products Subject to TR CU 043/2016 (EAC) approved by the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission October 08, 2019.

Fire Safety Certificate is an official proof which confirms that fire regulations such as resistance to fire and functional safety as well as the precautions against the formation of toxic gases are observed.

The following products may require mandatory National Fire Safety Certification:

  • Materials used in the construction of evacuation systems and hazardous areas

  • Certain substances and materials (insulation materials, various synthetic materials, clothing, floor coverings, plastic sheeting, roofing materials etc.)

  • Certain construction materials (constructions materials with a fire safety function, cable ducts, synthetic construction materials, e.g. window profiles, smoke extractors etc.)

  • Certain electronic products (cables with insulation, heating cables, refrigerators with compressors etc.)

TR CU 043/2017 “On requirements for fire safety and firefighting means” was officially released July 24, 2017 and comes into force on January 1, 2020.

The following products are subject to TR CU 043/2017 and require mandatory EAC certification:

  • Fire safety and firefighting equipment

  • Equipment used in the construction of evacuation systems and hazardous areas

  • Fire extinguishers

EAC Certificates TR CU 043/2017 will be issued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Basic requirements for Fire Safety Certificates:

  • Applications ( fills in all the forms that should be later signed by the customer);

  • Technical description of the product (manuals, passports, catalogues, etc.) in Russian;

  • Samples and site audit may be required


Manufacturer may be the applicant for National Fire Safety certificate.

Foreign manufacturer cannot act the applicant when it comes to TR CU certification. Only legal entity registered in the Customs Union can be applicant for EAC Certificate TR CU 043/2017. OUR offers EAC Local Representative Service to provide foreign producers with the necessary support. This lets multiple end users use the certificates with the Power of Attorney (which is only issued upon request of the manufacturer).


Сarpets and other decoration and building materials which successfully received National Fire Safety Certificate should be marked with RST logo.

EAC TR CU 043/2017 certified fire safety and firefighting means have special requirements regarding EAC marking.

How long are EAC certificates issued?

Lead time depends on testing – may vary from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Validity term – either for a batch, or from 1 to 5 years.

For more information about the certificate your product needs, please send info to gost@gost.org.cn 

  • Name of the product

  • HS code

  • Technical data


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