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2012年俄罗斯GOST-R标准清单GOST R -2012
来源: | 作者:pmt579fb4 | 发布时间: 2019-07-01 | 3007 次浏览 | 分享到:

GOST R ISO 28640-2012 "Statistical methods. Random variate generation "
GOST R 55177-2012 "Mechanical vibration. Laboratory measurement of vibration-and-acoustic properties of resilient elements filled with liquids. Principles"
GOST R 50779.46-2012 "Statistical methods. Process management. Part 4. Process capability and perfomence estimation"
GOST R ISO 18436-4-2012 "Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Part 4. Field lubricant analysis"
GOST R ISO 18436-6-2012 "Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Part 6. Acoustic emission"
GOST R ISO 22514-1-2012 "Statistical methods. Process management. Part 1. General principles"
GOST R ISO 15743-2012 "Practical aspects of management of risk. Risk assessment and management for сold workplaces"
GOST R ISO 18436-7-2012 "Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Part 7. Thermography"
GOST R 55234.1-2012 "Practical aspects of management of risk. Injury risk curves for evaluation of occupant protection in frontal impact"
GOST R 55290-2012 "Buckwheat groats. General specifications"
GOST 31798-2012 "Beef and veal for infants nutrition. Specifications"
GOST 31718-2012 "Juices and juice products. Identification. Determination of stable oxygen isotopes by mass-spectrometry method"
GOST 31802-2012 "Cooked sausage products for children's food. General specifications"
GOST R 55289-2012 "Rice. Specifications"
GOST 31691-2012 "Grain and products of its treatment, mixed feeds. Determination of zearalenone content using high-performance liquid chromatography"
GOST 31729-2012 "Wine drinks. General specifications"
GOST R 55282-2012 "Raw milk. The colorimetric method of urea content determination"
GOST 31715-2012 "Juices and juice products. Identification. Determination of stable hydrogen isotopes by mass-spectrometry method"
GOST 31720-2012 "Foodstuffs of processed domestic poultry eggs. Methods for sampling and organoleptic analysis"
GOST 31694-2012 "Food products, food raw materials. Method of determination of the antibiotic residues of tetracycline group by High performance Liquid Chromatography. Mass spectrometry"
GOST 31700-2012 "Grain and grain products. Method for determination of acid number of fat"
GOST R 55247-2012 "Dairy componented and milkcontained products. Determination of fat mass concentration by Weibull-Berntrop method"
GOST 31773-2012 "Honey. Method for determination of optical activity"
GOST R 55246-2012 "Milk and milk products. Determination of non-protein nitrogen content by Kjeldahl method"
GOST R 53647.5-2012 "Business continuity management. Emergency and incident preparedness"
GOST R 55242-2012 "Wines with protected geographical indication and wines with protected appellation of origin. General specifications"
GOST R ISO 21748-2012 "Statistical methods. Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation"
GOST R ISO 11843-5-2012 "Statistical methods. Capability of detection. Part 5. Methodology in the linear and non-linear calibration cases"
GOST R 55288-2012 "Drill stem testing tools. Downhole and wellhead equipment. The general technical requirements"
GOST R 55288-2012 "Drill stem testing tools. Downhole and wellhead equipment. The general technical requirements"
GOST R 55266-2012 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Road vehicles. Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharges"
GOST R ISO 11462-2-2012 "Statistical methods. Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control. Part 2. Tools and techniques"
GOST 31454-2012 "Kefir. Specifications"
GOST R ISO 7002-2012 "Agricultural food products. Layout for a standard method of sampling from a lot"
GOST 10922-2012 "Welded reinforcing products and inserts, welded, lap and mechanical joints for reinforced concrete structures. General specifications"
GOST R 53647.6-2012 "Business continuity management. Specification for a personal information management system for data protection"
GOST 31674-2012 "Feeds, compound feeds, material for compound feeds. Methods for the determination of common toxicity"
GOST R IEC 61391-2-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Medical ultrasonic diagnostic equipment. General requirements to methods of measurement of maximum of penetration and local dynamic range"
GOST R 50607-2012 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Road vehicles. Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharges"
GOST R 55225-2012 "Meshes of glass fibre for building-faces, reinforcing, alkali-resistant. Specifications"
GOST R 55224-2012 "Cements for the transport construction. Specifications"
GOST R 8.797-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification scheme for measuring instruments the surface heat flux density in the range from 1 to 10000 W/m2"
GOST R 55229-2012 "Food additives. Colorimetric method for total phosphorus mass content determination in raw materials for citric acid production"
GOST R ISO 7516-2012 "Instant tea. Sampling "
GOST R 55227-2012 "Water. Methods for determination of formaldehyde content"
GOST R 55228-2012 "Food additives. Method of the mass determining of citric acid and concomitant acids in production of citric acid"
GOST R 51318.25-2012 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Vehicles, boats and devices with internal combustion engines. Radio disturbance characteristics. Limits and methods of measurement for protection of on-board receivers"
GOST R 51317.4.15-2012 "Еlectromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Flikermeter. Functional and design specifications"
GOST R ISO 16000-13-2012 "Indoor air. Part 13. Determination of total polychlorinated dioxin-like biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs) (gas and particle phase). Collection on sorbent backed filters"
GOST R ISO 21438-3-2012 "Workplace atmospheres. Determination of inorganic acids by ion chromatography. Part 3. Hydrofluoric acid and particulate fluorides"
GOST R ISO 4226-2012 "Air quality. General aspects. Units of measurement"
GOST 31460-2012 "Cosmetic creams. General specifications"
GOST R ISO 21438-2-2012 "Workplace atmospheres. Determination of inorganic acids by ion chromatography. Part 2. Volatile acids, except hydrofluoric acid (hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid and nitric acid)"
GOST R 55175-2012 "Mine atmosphere. Methods of dust content control"
GOST R 55144-2012 "Basic norms of interchangeability. Geometrical product specifications. Dimensioning and tolerancing for cones"
GOST R 55146-2012 "Basic norms of interchangeability. Geometrical product specifications. Сode system for tolerances on linear sizes. Part 1. General provisions, tolerances, deviations and fits"
GOST R 55145-2012 "Basic norms of interchangeability. Geometrical product specifications. Dimensioning and tolerancing for non-rigid parts"
GOST R 55147-2012 "Basic norms of interchangeability. Geometrical product specifications.
System for tolerances on linear sizes. Pаrt 2. Tolerance classes, limit deviations for holes and shafts"
GOST 31466-2012 "Products of processed poultry meat. Methods of determination of mass fractions of calcium and dimensions and mass fraction of bond particles"
GOST 31466-2012 "Products of processed poultry meat. Methods of determination of mass fractions of calcium and dimensions and mass fraction of bond particles"
GOST 31462-2011 "Safety windows. General specifications"
GOST R 55139-2012 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Resistance welding equipment. Part 2. Requirements and test methods"
GOST 31471-2011 "Panic and emergency exit devices. Specifications"
GOST 12.4.107-2012 "Occupational safety standards system. Building. Safety ropes. Specifications"
GOST 31470-2012 "Poultry meat, edible offal and semi-processed products. Methods for organoleptic and physico-chemical examinations"
GOST 31473-2012 "Turkey meat (carcasses and their parts). General specifications"
GOST R ISO 16000-17-2012 "Indoor air. Part 17. Detection and enumeration of moulds. Culture-based method"
GOST R ISO 15767-2012 "Workplace atmospheres. Controlling and characterizing uncertainty in weighing collected aerosols"
GOST 31506-2012 "Milk and milk products. Determination of non-milk fats"
GOST R 8.782-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Motor fuel. Direct identification of light oil products"
GOST 31504-2012 "Milk and milk products. Determination of preservatives and synthetic colors content by high performance liquid chromatography method"
GOST R 8.783-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Gasoline automobile. Direct method of lead, iron and manganese"
GOST 31472-2012 "Turkey meat (carcases and parts). Trade description"
GOST 31461-2012 "Poultry dung. Raw material for manufacture of organic fertilizers. Specifications"
GOST 4686-2012 "Brake beams of brake leverage gear. Specifications"
GOST R 51318.20-2012 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment. Immunity characteristics. Limits and methods of measurement"
GOST R 55105-2012 "United power system and isolated working systems. Operative-dispatch management.
Automatic emergency control of modes of power systems. Emergency control of power systems. Norms and requirements"
GOST R 8.781-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Moisture meters of grain and grain processing products. Verification procedure"
GOST R 51526-2012 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Arc welding equipment. Part 10. Requirements and test methods"
GOST R 8.785-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Mass of hydrocarbon condensate, liquefied hydrocarbon gas and long distillate of light hydrocarbons. General requirement for procedure of measurements"
GOST 31503-2012 "Milk and milk products. Determination of stabilazers content by gas chromatography method"
GOST 31468-2012 "Poultry meat, edible offal and poultry meat ready-to-cook. Method for detection of Salmonellae"
GOST 31633-2012 "Milk and milk products. Determination of mass portion of milk fat using photocolorimetry method"
GOST 31505-2012 "Milk, milk products and infant milk products. Methods оf iodine determination"
GOST 31502-2012 "Milk and milk products. Microbiological methods of the determination of antibiotics"
GOST R 55063-2012 "Kinds of cheese and processed cheese. The rules of tests acceptance, sampling and control methods"
GOST 31584-2012 "Milk. Spectrophotometric method for determination of total phosphorus content"
GOST 31457-2012 "Milk ice, ice-cream and plombir. Specifications"
GOST R 55061-2012 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Static transfer system. Part 2. Requirements and test methods"
GOST R 55061-2012 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Static transfer system. Part 2. Requirements and test methods"
GOST R 55053-2012 "Food additives. Potassium carbonate Е501. General specifications"
GOST 5686-2012 "Sоils. Fiеld tеst mеthоds bу рilеs"
GOST R 55052-2012 "Reclaimed asphalt. Specifications"
GOST 30416-2012 "Sоils. Laboratory testing. General requirements"
GOST 31040-2002 "Refractory products. Determination of modulus of rupture at elevated temperatures"
GOST 31465-2012 "Semi-prepared of poultry meat for children nutrition. General specifications"
GOST 23061-2012 "Sоils. Methods for radioisotope measurement of density and humidity"
GOST R 55054-2012 "Food additives. Pyrophosphates E450. General specifications"
GOST 30975-2002 "Ferroalloys. Experimental methods for the evaluation of the quality variation and methods for checking the precision of sampling"
GOST R EN 482-2012 "Workplace atmospheres. General requirements for the performance of procedures for the measurement of chemical agents"
GOST R ISO 16000-16-2012 "Indoor air. Part 16. Detection and enumeration of moulds. Sampling by filtration"
GOST R ISO 16000-15-2012 "Indoor air. Part 15. Sampling strategy for nitrogen dioxide (NO2)"
GOST R ISO 10396-2012 "Stationary source emissions. Sampling for the automated determination of gas emission concentrations for permanently-installed monitoring systems"
GOST R 55042-2012 "Non-destructive testing. Evaluation of metallic coating thickness by ultrasound. General requirements"
GOST R 55043-2012 "Non-destructive testing. Evaluation of elastic-acoustic coefficients. General requirements"
GOST R 55049-2012 "Railway rolling stock. Weighing data control methods"
GOST R 55051-2012 "Public catering services. The general requirements to the catering"
GOST R EN 12298-2012 "Biotechnology. Equipment. Guidance on testing procedures for leaktightness"
GOST R 55050-2012 "Railway rolling stock. Permissible exposure norms to the railway track and test methods"
GOST R EN 12297-2012 "Biotechnology. Equipment. Guidance on testing procedures for sterilizability"
GOST R 55048-2012 "Quality management systems. Particular requirements for the application of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 in construction"
GOST R 55047-2012 "Technical diagnostics. Without standards сalibration of equipment for measuring the stress-strain state of structural materials. General requirements"
GOST R 55045-2012 "Technical diagnostics. Acoustic emission diagnostic. Terms, definitions and symbols"
GOST R EN 1822-4-2012 "High efficiency air filters (ЕРА, HEPA and ULPA). Part 4. Determining leakage of filter elements (scan method)"
GOST R 55046-2012 "Technical diagnostics. Evaluation of a residual resource long used steel pipelines on the basis of results mechanical tests of samples. General requirements"
GOST R EN 1822-3-2012 "High efficiency air filters (ЕРА, HEPA and ULPA). Part 3. Testing flat sheet filter media"
GOST R ISO 21501-4-2012 "Determination of particle size distribution. Single particle light interaction methods. Part 4. Light scattering airborne particle counter for clean spaces"
GOST R EN 1822-2-2012 "High efficiency air filters (ЕРА, HEPA and ULPA). Part 2. Aerosol production, measuring equipment, particle counting statistics"
GOST R 55044-2012 "Technical diagnostics. Selection of test items for the calibration of equipment for measuring the stress-strain state of structural materials. General requirements
GOST R 55044-2012 "Technical diagnostics. Selection of test items for the calibration of equipment for measuring the stress-strain state of structural materials. General requirements"
GOST 31628-2012 "Food-stuffs and food raw materials. Anodic stripping voltammetric method of arsenic mass concentration determination"
GOST 31534-2012 "Cottage cheese. Specifications"
GOST 20352-2012 "Fish salted delicatessen roe. Specifications"
GOST R 12.4.263-2012 "Occupational safety standards system. Protective clothing against particulate radioactive contamination. Technical requirements and test methods"
GOST 18423-2012 "Canned natural squids and cuttle. Specifications"
GOST 6065-2012 "Canned fried fish in oil. Specifications"
GOST 25358-2012 "Soils. Field method of determining temperature"
GOST 24846-2012 "Soils. Measuring methods of strains of structures and building bases"
GOST 31583-2012 "Sea frozen kale. Specifications"
GOST 27217-2012 "Soils. Field method for determining of frost-heave specific tangential forces"
GOST 20522-2012 "Soils. Statistical treatment of the test results"
GOST 27217-2012 "Soils. Field method for determining of frost-heave specific tangential forces"
GOST 23161-2012 "Soils. Laboratory method for determination of subsiding characteristics"
GOST 30672-2012 "Soils. Field testings. General requirements"
GOST 20276-2012 "Sоils. Field methods for determining the strength and strain characteristics"
GOST 31670-2012 "Vodkas and special vodkas. Spectral-luminescent method of identification ethanol"
GOST R ISO 50001-2012 "Energy management systems. Requirements with guidance for use"
GOST R 55030-2012 "Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for tensile strength"
GOST R 55033-2012 "Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determination of flexibility at low temperature"
GOST R 55029-2012 "Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for reinforcement asphalt layers of road pavement. Specifications"
GOST R 55034-2012 "Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for reinforcement asphalt layers of road pavement. Test method for determination of heat resistance"
GOST R 55035-2012 "Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determining the resistance to aggressive media"
GOST R 55032-2012 "Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determination of repeated freeze-thaw stability"
GOST R 55031-2012 "Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determination of stability to ultra-violet radiation"
GOST R 55029-2012 "Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for reinforcement asphalt layers of road pavement. Specifications"
GOST R 55027-2012 "Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Horizontal method for detection and enumeration of Campylobacter spp. Part 3. Semi-quantitative method"
GOST R ISO/IEC 19785-4-2012 "Information technology. Biometrics. Common biometric exchange formats framework. Part 4. Security block format specifications"
GOST R 55028-2012 "Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Classification, terms and definitions"
GOST 8.607-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for measuring instruments of polarization mode dispersion in optical fiber"
GOST 8.607-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for measuring instruments of polarization mode dispersion in optical fiber"
GOST 8.608-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for measuring instruments of chromatic dispersion in optical fiber"
GOST 8.606-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for measuring instruments of aerosols, suspensions and powdery materials"
GOST R EN 1496-2012 "Occupational safety standards system. Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Rescue lifting devices. General technical requirements. Test methods"
GOST 31492-2012 "Sparkling wines and sparkling pearl wines. General specification"
GOST 31467-2012 "Poultry meat, edible offal, and ready-to-cook poultry meat. Sampling methods and preparing of samples for examinations"
GOST 31494-2012 "Kvases. General specifications"
GOST R EN 14591-4-2012 "Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines. Protective systems. Part 4. Automatic extinguishing systems for road headers"
GOST R EN 14591-1-2012 "Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines. Protective systems. Part 1: 2 - bar explosion-proof ventilation structure"
GOST R EN 14983-2012 "Underground mines. Explosion prevention and protection systems. Equipment and protective systems for firedamp drainage"
GOST R EN 14591-2-2012 "Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines. Protective systems. Part 2. Passive water trough barriers"
GOST 31476-2012 "Pigs for slaughter. Рork carcasses and semi-carcasses. Specifications"
GOST 31464-2012 "Mixes egg liquid and dry food. General specification"
GOST 31477-2012 "Meat and meat products. Immune мethod of determination of animal (pork, beef, mutton) proteins"
GOST 31478-2012 "Canned meat. Minced meat. Specifications"
GOST 21.601-2011 "System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of working documents of internal water and sewerage systems"
GOST 21.704-2011 "System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of working documentation of outside networks of water supply and sewerage"
GOST 21.501-2011 "System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of the working documentation of architectural and construction solutions"
GOST 21.709-2011 "System of design documents for construction. Rules of executing of working documentation for linear structures of irrigation systems"
GOST 22703-2012 "Molded parts of coupler and automatic coupler devices of railway rolling stock. General specifications"
GOST 21.201-2011 "System of design documents for construction. Symbol graphics elements of buildings, structures and designs"
GOST R 55025-2012 "Power cables with plastic insulation for rated voltages from 6 up to and including 35 kV. General specifications"
GOST 31500-2012 "Meat and meat products. Histological method of identification of plant carbohydrates additives"
GOST 31490-2012 "Meat poultry mechanical separation. Specifications"
GOST 31657-2012 "Offal of a bird. Specifications"
GOST 31639-2012 "Cooked sausage items of poultry meat. General specifications"
GOST 31484-2012 "Mixed feeds, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates, рremixes. Methods for determination of metallomagnetic impurity"
GOST 31481-2012 "Mixed fodders, raw stuff for mixed fodders. Method for determining the residual quantities of chlorine-organic pesticides"
GOST 31488-2012 "Enzyme preparation. Methods of xylanase enzyme activity determination"
GOST 31483-2012 "Premixes. Determination of vitamins: B1 (thiaminchloride), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (pantothenic acid), B5 (nicotinic acid and nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), Bc (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid) content by method of capillary electrophoresis"
GOST 31483-2012 "Premixes. Determination of vitamins: B1 (thiaminchloride), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (pantothenic acid), B5 (nicotinic acid and nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), Bc (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid) content by method of capillary electrophoresis"
GOST 31650-2012 "Medical remedies for animals, feed and feed additives. Detection of mass fraction of mercury by atom absorbtion spectrometric method"
GOST R 55024-2012 "Geodetic networks. Classification. General requirements"
GOST 31496-2012 "Rectified ethanol. Spectral-luminescent method of identification"
GOST 31482-2012 "Mixed feeds. Method for determination of aldehydes"
GOST 31480-2012 "Mixed fodders, raw mixed fodders. Determination of aminoacids (lysine, methionine, threonine, cystine and triptophane) content by method of capillary electrophoresis"
GOST 31651-2012 "Medical remedies for animals, feed and feed additives. Detection of mass fraction of selenium by atom absorbtion spectrometric method"
GOST 31463-2012 "Macaroni durum wheat flour. Specifications"
GOST 31486-2012 "Premixes. Method for determination of vitamin К3"
GOST 31491-2012 "Macaroni hard wheat flour. Specifications"
GOST 31662-2012 "Enzyme preparations. Methods of cellulasa enzyme activity determination"
GOST 31655-2012 "Food eggs (turkey, guinea-fowl, quail, ostrich). Specifications"
GOST 31485-2012 "Mixed feeds, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates. Method for determination of peroxide number (hydroperoxides and peroxides)"
GOST 31654-2012 "Food chicken eggs. Specifications"
GOST 31487-2012 "Enzyme preparation. Methods of phytase enzyme activity determination "
GOST R 55023-2012 "Pipeline valves. Home regulators of pressure. General specifications"
GOST 31497-2012 "Ethanol. Spectrophotometryс method for determination of denaturant additives (bitrex, kerosene, gasoline) content"
GOST 31669-2012 "Juice products. Determination of sucrose, glucose, fructose and sorbite by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)"
GOST 31644-2012 "Juice products. Determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method"
GOST 31643-2012 "Juice products. Determination of ascorbic acid by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method"
GOST 31640-2012 "Feeds. Methods for determination of dry matter content"
GOST R EN 12841-2012 "Occupational safety standards system. Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Rope access systems. Rope adjustment devices. General technical requirements. Test methods"
GOST 31642-2012 "Food additives. Sodium lactate Е325. General specifications"
GOST R 55020-2012 "Pipeline valves. Knife gate valves for trunk pipelines. General specifications"
GOST 31660-2012 "Foods. Anodic stripping voltammetric method of iodine mass concentration determination"
GOST 31641-2012 "Vodkas and special vodkas. Ion chromatography method for determination of silicates"
GOST R 55018-2012 "Pipeline valves for objects of energetics. General specifications"
GOST R EN 12750-2012 "Safety of woodworking machines. Four sided moulding machines"
GOST 31661-2012 "Mechnikovskaya curdled milk. Specifications"
GOST 31646-2012 "Cereals. Method for determination of scabby kernels content"
GOST 31646-2012 "Cereals. Method for determination of scabby kernels content"
GOST 5089-2011 "Locks, latches, mechanisms cylinders. General specifications"
GOST R ISO 8666-2012 "Small craft. Principal data"
GOST R ISO 799-2012 "Ships and marine technologies. Pilot ladders"
GOST R 55017-2012 "Control consoles for use security application at central alarm station. Information requirements"
GOST R IEC 61559-2-2012 "Radiation protection insrtumentation in nuclear facilities. Centralized systems for continuous radiation/control. Part 2. Requirements for discharge, environmental, accident or post-accident monitoring functions"
GOST R 54997-2012 "Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB). Transportation and Binary Encoding Specification for Electronic Programme Guide (EPG)"
GOST R 54995-2012 "Digital broadcast television. Requirements to the coding of audio and video signals for broadcasting applications, based on the transport streams of MPEG-2. General technical requirements"
GOST R 54994-2012 "Digital broadcast television. Transport of DVB services over networks with IP protocols. General technical requirements"
GOST R ISO 9897-2012 "Freight containers. Container equipment data exchange (CEDEX). General communication codes"
GOST R ISO 1496-5-2012 "Series 1 freight containers. Specification and testing. Part 5. Platform and platform-based containers"
GOST R 54996-2012 "Digital high-definition television. Digital interfaces for MPEG TS transport streams. Basic parameters"
GOST R 55000-2012 "Lifts. Improving the safety of existing lifts"
GOST R 54999-2012 "Lifts. General Reguirements for maintenance instruction"
GOST R 54998-2012 "Digital high-definition television. Coding of digital television signals for compressing of digital transport stream"
GOST 31667-2012 "Varenets. Specifications"
GOST 31656-2012 "Food additives. Potassium lactate Е326. General specifications"
GOST 31653-2012 "Feedstuffs. Method of immunoenzyme mycotoxin determination"
GOST R 54990-2012 "Social services of the population. Rehabilitation services for persons addicted to drugs, psychotropic substances and alcohol. Basic tupes of social services"
GOST R ISO/IEC 15415-2012 "Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Bar code symbol test specification for print quality assessment. Two-dimensional symbols"
GOST R 52604-2012 "Water attraсtions. Safety at operation. General requirements"
GOST R 52168-2012 "Children’s playgrounds equipment and surfacing. Slide’s safety of structure and test methods. General requirements"
GOST R 54991-2012 "Safety of attractions. General requirements traveling attractions"
GOST R IEC 60793-1-20-2012 "Optical fibres. Part 1-20. Measurement methods and test procedures. Fibre geometry"
GOST R IEC 60793-1-21-2012 "Optical fibres. Part 1-21. Measurement methods and test procedures. Coating geometry"
GOST R IEC 60079-27-2012 "Explosive atmospheres. Part 27. Fieldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO)"
GOST R IEC 60079-5-2012 "Explosive atmospheres. Part 5. Equipment protection by powder filling «q»"
GOST R IEC 60079-18-2012 "Explosive atmospheres. Part 18. Equipment protection by encapsulation «m»"
GOST R IEC 60079-6-2012 "Explosive atmospheres. Part 6. Equipment protection by oil-immersion 'o'"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1306-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1306. Application module. AP239 task specification resourced"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1306-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1306. Application module. AP239 task specification resourced"
GOST R IEC 60079-25-2012 "Explosive atmospheres. Part 25. Intrinsically safe systems"
GOST R IEC 60079-7-2012 "Explosive atmospheres. Part 7. Equipment. Protection by increased safety "e""
GOST R 54989-2012 "Long-term preservation of electronic document-based information"
GOST R 55026-2012 "Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres"
GOST R IEC 62512-2012 "Electric clothes washer-dryers for household use. Methods for measuring the performance"
GOST R IEC 62512-2012 "Electric clothes washer-dryers for household use. Methods for measuring the performance"
GOST R 50030.4.1-2012 "Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 4-1. Contactors and motor-starters. Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters"
GOST R 50030.4.2-2012 "Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 4-2: Contactors and motor-starters - AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters"
GOST R 8.780-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for means of measuring of the energy, of the distribution of energy density, of the pulse duration and of the laser wavelength in the wavelength range from 0,3 to 2,0 m"
GOST 31652-2012 "Foodstuffs. Method of electron paramagnetic resonance for detection of radiation-treated food containing crystalline sugar"
GOST 31658-2012 "Skim milk-raw material. Specifications"
GOST 31638-2012 "Food additives. Sodium and potassium triphosphates E451. Specifications"
GOST R 54985-2012 "Guidelines for small businesses on implementation of quality management system based on ISO 9001:2008"
GOST R 54983-2012 "Gas distribution systems. Natural Gas Distribution Networks. General requirements to operation. Operational documentation"
GOST R 50030.3-2012 "Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 3. Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse - combination units"
GOST R 53633.5-2012 "Information technologies. Telecommunications management network. Enhanced telecom operations map (eTOM). Process decompositions and descriptions. eTOM level 2 processes. Strategy, infrastructure and product. Marketing and offer management"
GOST R 52633.6-2012 "Information protection. Information protection technology. Requirements to fixing compliance between the captured biometric image and the «Owner» biometric image"
GOST R 53633.8-2012 "Information technologies. Telecommunications management network. Enhanced telecom operations map (eTOM). Process decompositions and descriptions. eTOM level 2 processes. Strategy, infrastructure and product. Supply chain development and management"
GOST R 53633.6-2012 "Information technologies. Telecommunications management network. Enhanced telecom operations map (eTOM). Process decompositions and descriptions. eTOM level 2 processes. Strategy, infrastructure and product. Service development and management"
GOST R IEC 61056-2-2012 "General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types). Part 2. Dimensions, terminals and marking"
GOST R IEC 61056-1-2012 "General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types). Part 1. General requirements, functional characteristics. Methods of test"
GOST R 54984-2012 "Outdoor lighting of railway objects. Requirements and methods of control"
GOST R 54982-2012 "Gas distribution systems. Objects of liquid petroleum gases. General requirements to operation. Operational documentation"
GOST R IEC 62385-2012 "Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation and control important to safety. Methods for assessing the performance of safety system instrument channels "
GOST R IEC 61500-2012 "Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation and control important to safety. Data communication in systems performing category A functions"
GOST 31645-2012 "Flour for baby's nutrition. Specifications"
GOST R 54982-2012 "Gas distribution systems. Objects of liquid petroleum gases. General requirements to operation. Operational documentation"
GOST R 54981-2012 "Food additives. Sodium propionate Е281. Specifications"
GOST R 54979-2012 "Food additives. The methods for identification and determination of the mass fraction of iodine-content ingredient in the lactate-content food additives"

GOST R 54979-2012 "Food additives. The methods for identification and determination of the mass fraction of iodine-content ingredient in the lactate-content food additives"
GOST 31648-2012 "Milk fat replacer. General specifications"
GOST R 54980-2012 "Food additives. The methods for identification and determination of the mass fraction of calcium-content ingredient in the lactate-content food additives"
GOST 31647-2012 "Refined deodorized palm oil for food industry. General specifications"
GOST 31649-2012 "Decorative cosmetic stuffs on fatty and waxy basis. General specifications"
GOST R 54971-2012 "Food processing machinery. Spreaders, stripping and cutting machines, stick return conveyors, stick magazines. Safety and hygiene requirements"
GOST R EN 14655-2012 "Food processing machinery. Baguette slicers. Safety and hygiene requirements"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1307-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1307. Application module. AP239 work definition"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-25-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 25. Implementation methods. EXPRESS to XMI binding"
GOST R ISO 10303-45-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 45. Integrated generic resource: Material and other engineering properties"
GOST R 54965-2012 "Cables and wires for rolling stock of railway transport. General specifications"
GOST R 54964-2012 "Conformity assessment. Ecological requirements for estate properties"
GOST R 54963-2012 "Meshes of glass fibre for building-faces, reinforcing, alkali-resistant. Method for determination of the mechanical properties"
GOST R ISO 10303-1060-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1060. Application module. Product concept identification"
GOST R IEC 60800-2012 "Heating cables with a rated voltage of 300/500 V for comfort heating and prevention of ice formation"
GOST R ISO 10303-145-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 45. Integrated generic resource: Material and other engineering properties"
GOST R ISO 10303-145-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 45. Integrated generic resource: Material and other engineering properties"
GOST R 54966-2012 "Dentistry. Soft lining materials for removable dentures. Part 1. Materials for hort-term use"
GOST R ISO 10139-2-2012 "Dentistry. Soft lining materials for removable dentures. Part 2. Materials for long-term use"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1038-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1038. Application module. Independent property representation"
GOST R 54962-2012 "Railway rolling stock. Driver’s/operator's armchair. Technical specifications"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1036-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1036. Application module. Independent property"
GOST 26877-2008 "Metal products. Methods of measuring form variations"
GOST R 54960-2012 "Gas distribution systems. Block gas delivery stations. Cabinet gas delivery stations. General technical requirements"
GOST R 54961-2012 "Gas distribution systems. Consumers gas networks. General requirements to operation. Operational documentation"
GOST R EN 1497-2012 "Occupational safety standards system. Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Rescue harness. General technical requirements. Test methods"
GOST R EN 1891-2012 "Occupational safety standards system. Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Low stretch kernmantel ropes. General technical requirements. Test methods"
GOST R EN 1498-2012 "Occupational safety standards system. Personal fall protection equipment. Rescue loops. General technical requirements. Test methods"
GOST R 54959-2012 "Railway telecommunications. Train radio communication. Technical specification and methods of control"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1047-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1047. Application module. Activity"

GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1047-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1047. Application module. Activity"
GOST R 54957-2012 "Railway telecommunications. General safety requirements"
GOST R 54958-2012 "Railway telecommunications. Safety requirement control methods"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1049-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1049. Application module. Activity method"
GOST R ISO 30024-2012 "Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of phytase activity"
GOST R 34.10-2012 "Information technology. Cryptographic data security. Signature and verification processes of [electronic] digital signature"
GOST R 34.11-2012 "Information technology. Cryptographic data security. Hash function"
GOST R 54954-2012 "Feeds. Feeds and Fodder additives for domestic animals. Terms and definitions"
GOST R 54956-2012 "Food additives. Preservatives of foodstuffs. Terms and definitions"
GOST R 54948-2012 "Honey. Method for determination of glycerol"
GOST R 54947-2012 "Honey. Method for determination of proline"
GOST R 54950-2012 "Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of vitamin A content by high performance liquid chromatography method"
GOST R 54951-2012 "Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of moisture"
GOST R 54949-2012 "Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of vitamin Е content by high performance liquid chromatography method"
GOST R 54946-2012 "Honey. Method for determination of ethanol"
GOST R ISO 8098-2012 "Cycle- Safety requirements for bicycles for young children"
GOST R 54945-2012 "Buildings and structures. Methods for mеаsuring of illuminance pulsation factor"
GOST R 54943-2012 "Buildings and structures. Methods for determining discomfort glare rating in interior lighting"
GOST R 54944-2012 "Buildings and structures. Methods for mеаsuring the illuminance"
GOST 3478-2012 "Rolling bearings. Boundary dimensions"
GOST R 54942-2012 "Gas fuel motor vehicles with spark ignition engines. Emission of the exhaust gas pollutants. Norms and methods of the control for estimation of technical condition"
GOST R 54940-2012 "Рurchase information on goods and services intended for consumers"
GOST R ISO 19011-2012 "Guidelines for auditing management systems"
GOST R 54941-2012 "Comparative testing of concumer products and related services. General principles"
GOST R ISO 8082-1-2012 "Self-propelled machinery for forestry. Roll-over protective structures. Technical requirements and test methods. Part 1. General machines"
GOST R 54939-2012 "Mechanical locks. Terms and definitions"
GOST R ISO 22006-2012 "Quality management systems. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 to crop production"
GOST R ISO 12891-1-2012 "Retrieval and analysis of surgical implants. Part 1. Retrieval and handling"
GOST R ISO 8099-2012 "Small crafts. Toilet waste retention system"
GOST R ISO 12891-2-2012 "Retrieval and analysis of surgical implants. Part 2. Analysis of retrieved metallic surgical implants"
GOST R ISO 12891-2-2012 "Retrieval and analysis of surgical implants. Part 2. Analysis of retrieved metallic surgical implants"
GOST R ISO 12891-3-2012 "Retrieval and analysis of surgical implants. Part 3. Analysis of retrieved polymeric surgical implants"
GOST R ISO 12891-4-2012 "Retrieval and analysis of surgical implants. Part 4. Analysis of retrieved ceramic surgical implants"
GOST R ISO 14937-2012 "Sterilization of health care products. General criteria for characterization of a sterilizing agent and the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices"
GOST R ISO 15883-4-2012 "Washer-disinfectors. Part 4. Requirements and tests for washer-disinfectors employing chemical disinfection for thermolabile endoscopes"
GOST R ISO 14242-1-2012 "Implants for surgery.Wear of total hip-joint prostheses. Part 1. Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines and corresponding environmental conditions for test"
GOST R ISO 17664-2012 "Sterilization of medical devices. Information to be provided by the manufacturer for the processing of resterilizable medical devices"
GOST R ISO 15882-2012 "Sterilization of health care products. Chemical indicators. Guidance for selection, use and interpretation of results"
GOST R ISO 15367-1-2012 "Laser and laser-related equipment. Test methods for determination of the shape of a laser beam wavefront. Part 1. Terminology and fundamental aspects"
GOST R ISO 15367-2-2012 "Laser and laser-related equipment. Test methods for determination of the shape of a laser beam wavefront. Part 2. Shack-Hartmann sensors"
GOST R 54937-2012 "Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of older persons and persons with disability"
GOST 25100-2011 "Soils. Classification"
GOST R 54938-2012 "Railway telecommunication. Protection regulation of lines communication against influence of a traction network of the electrified railways constant and alternating current"
GOST 30494-2011 "Residential and public buildings. Microclimate parameters for indoor enclosures"
GOST R ISO 6360-4-2012 "Dentistry. Number coding system for rotary instruments. Part 4. Specific characteristics of diamond instruments"
GOST R ISO 7787-2-2012 "Dental rotary instruments. Cutters. Part 2. Carbide laboratory cutters"
GOST R ISO 9173-1-2012 "Dentistry. Extraction forceps. Part 1. General requirements and test methods"
GOST R ISO 14801-2012 "Dentistry. Implants. Dynamic fatigue test for endosseous dental implants"
GOST R ISO 14243-1-2012 "Implants for surgery. Wear of total knee-joint prostheses. Part 1. Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines with load control and corresponding environmental conditions for test"
GOST R ISO 6360-5-2012 "Dentistry. Number coding system for rotary instruments. Part 5. Specific characteristics of root-canal instruments"
GOST R ISO 6360-6-2012 "Dentistry. Number coding system for rotary instruments. Part 6. Specific characteristics of abrasive instruments"
GOST R ISO 7206-4-2012 "Implants for surgery. Partial and total hip joint prostheses. Part 4. Determination of endurance properties and performance of stemmed femoral components"
GOST R ISO 6360-1-2012 "Dentistry. Number coding system for rotary instruments. Part 1. General characteristics"
GOST R ISO 14243-2-2012 "Implants for surgery.Wear of total knee-joint prostheses. Part 2. Methods of measurement"
GOST R 54936-2012 "Implants for surgery. Expanders. General technical requirements. Test methods"
GOST R ISO 6360-2-2012 "Dentistry. Number coding system for rotary instruments. Part 2. Shapes"
GOST R ISO 6360-3-2012 "Dentistry. Number coding system for rotary instruments. Part 3. Specific characteristics of burs and cutters"
GOST R ISO 7206-6-2012 "Implants for surgery.Partial and total hip joint prostheses. Part 6. Determination of endurance properties of head and neck"
GOST R ISO 14243-3-2012 "Implants for surgery.Wear of total knee-joint prostheses. Part 3. Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines with displasement control and corresponding environmental conditions for test"
GOST R ISO 14243-3-2012 "Implants for surgery.Wear of total knee-joint prostheses. Part 3. Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines with displasement control and corresponding environmental conditions for test"
GOST R ISO 14243-3-2012 "Implants for surgery.Wear of total knee-joint prostheses. Part 3. Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines with displasement control and corresponding environmental conditions for test"
GOST R ISO 17853-2012 "Implants for surgery. Wear of implant materials. Polymer and metal wear particles. Isolation and characterization"
GOST R 54935-2012 "Graphical symbols. Technical guidelines for the consideration of consumers’ needs"
GOST R ISO/IEC 17021-2012 "Conformity assessment. Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems"
GOST R 54127-6-2012 "Low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Electrical safety. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures. Part 6. Effectiveness of residual current operated protective devices in TT, TN and IT systems"
GOST R 54934-2012 "Occupational health and safety management systems. Requirements"
GOST R 54932-2012 "Acoustical barriers for railway transport. Control methods"
GOST R 54931-2012 "Acoustical barriers for railway transport. Technical reguirements"
GOST R 54933-2012 "Noise. Calculation methods for external noise emitted by railway transport"
GOST 20915-2011 "Testing agricultural tractors and machines. Procedure for determines test conditions"
GOST R 8.779-2012 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standards thermoelectric converters platinumrhodium/platinumrhodium of the first, second and third grades. Verification procedure"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1293-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1293. Application module. AP239 part definition information"
GOST R 54930-2012 "Development of service standards. Recommendation for addressing consumer issues"
GOST R 51000.6-2011 "General requirements for accreditation of certification bodies of products and services"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1304-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1304. Application module. AP 239 product status recording"
GOST R 51000.4-2011 "General requirements for accreditation of testing laboratories"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1289-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1289. Application module. AP239 management resource information"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1061-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1061. Application module. Project"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1041-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1041. Application module. Product view definition relationship"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1297-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1297. Application module. AP239 document management"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1292-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1292. Application module. AP239 product definition information"
GOST R 54929-2012 "Steel welded pipes for general purposes. Specifications"
GOST R ISO/ТС 10303-1295-2012 "Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1295. Application module. Properties AP239"
GOST R ISO 22241-2-2012 "Diesel engines. NOx reduction agent AUS 32. Part 2. Test methods"
GOST R ISO 22241-1-2012 "Diesel engines. NOx reduction agent AUS 32. Part 1. Quality requirements "
GOST R 54917-2012 "Chain rollers long-links specification, attachments and associated chain sprockets for transmission and conveyors"
GOST R 54915-2012 "Рaper for exercise - books. General specifications"
GOST R 54912-2012 "For bear of slide modified wood. Specifications"
GOST R 54913-2012 "Modified wood. Method for determination of preeure in swelling"
GOST R EN 1010-5-2012 "Printing machinery. Safety requirements for the design and construction. Part 5. Machines for the production of corrugated board and machines for the conversion of flat and corrugated board"
GOST R EN 1010-5-2012 "Printing machinery. Safety requirements for the design and construction. Part 5. Machines for the production of corrugated board and machines for the conversion of flat and corrugated board"
GOST R 54911-2012 "Data qulity. Part 120. Master data. Exchange of characteristic data: Provenance"
GOST R 54910-2012 "Gas-condensate and oil-and-gas-condensate deposits. Gas-condensate characteristics of hydrocarbons. Terms and definitions"
GOST R 54910-2012 "Gas-condensate and oil-and-gas-condensate deposits. Gas-condensate characteristics of hydrocarbons. Terms and definitions"
GOST R IEC 60755-2012 "General requirements for residual current operated protective devices"
GOST R 50031-2012 "Circuit-breakers for equipment (CBE)"
GOST R 54909-2012 "Metal products from alloyed steel and alloys for valves of internal combustion engines. Specifications"
GOST R 54908-2012 "Heat-resistant steel metal products. Specifications"
GOST 31436-2011 "Hard rocks for сrushed stone production for construction works. Technical requirements and test methods"
GOST 30629-2011 "Cladding materials and products made of natural stone. Test methods"
GOST 9479-2011 "Rough bloks for manufacture of facing, architektural and building, memorial and other products. Specifications"
GOST 5981-2011 "Tins and metal lids for canned food. Specifications"
GOST 23732-2011 "Water for concrete and mortars. Specifications"
GOST R ISO 21807-2012 "Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Determination of water activity"
GOST 6482-2011 "Reinforced concrete non pressure pipes. Specifications"
GOST 31420-2010 "Noise of machines. Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets. Measurement of airborne noise by the enveloping surface method"
GOST R 54907-2012 "Trunk pipelines for oil and oil products transportation. Technical diagnosis. General principles"
GOST 31425.1-2010 "Noise of machines. Noise test code for textile machinery. Part 1. Common requirements"
GOST 28984-2012 "Modular coordination of construction dimensions. Generalities"
GOST 25086-2011 "Nonferrous metals and their alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis"
GOST R 54906-2012 "Systems security complex. Guarante environmental security and ecological safety when make design and work. General technical requirements"
GOST R 54904-2012 "Food products, food raw materials. Method of determination of the sulfonamides, nitroimidazoles, penicillins, amphenicols by high performance liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry"
GOST R 54903-2012 "Fresh cauliflower. Specification"
GOST R 54905-2012 "Enzyme preparation. Methods of -glucanase enzyme activity determination"
GOST 6012-2011 "Nickel. Methods of chemical-atomic-emission spectral analysis"
GOST R 50588-2012 "Foaming agents for fire extinguishing. General technical requirements and test methods"
GOST R ISO 5507-2012 "Oilseeds, vegetable oils and fats. Nomenclature"
GOST R 54901-2012 "Dried beet pulp. Specifications"
GOST R 54902-2012 "Raw cane sugar molasses. Specifications"
GOST R 54900-2012 "Automatics and telemechanics railway systems on stages of railroad lines. Safety requirements and methods of checking"
GOST R 54900-2012 "Automatics and telemechanics railway systems on stages of railroad lines. Safety requirements and methods of checking"
GOST R 54899-2012 "Centralised traffic and dispatching control systems movement of trains. Safety requirements and methods of checking"
GOST R 54897-2012 "Automatics and telemechanics railway systems on railway stations. Safety requirements and methods of checking"
GOST R 54898-2012 "Automatics and telemechanics railway systems on railway crossings. Safety requirements and methods of checking"
GOST R 54896-2012 "Oils. Determination of quality and safety by near infrared spectrometry"
GOST R 54895-2012 "Grain. Method of determination of hectolitre weight"
GOST R 54894-2012 "Fruit and vegetable products. Determination of sulphite by enzymatic method"
GOST EN 12431-2011 "Thermal insulating products used in building for floating floors. Method for determination of thickness"
GOST EN 12430-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building applications. Method for determination of behaviour under point load"
GOST EN 12089-2011 "Thermal insulating products in building applications. Method for determination of bending behaviour"
GOST EN 1604-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building fapplications. Method for determination of dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity conditions"
GOST EN 12090-2011 "Thermal insulating products in building applications. Method for determination of shear behaviour"
GOST EN 12085-2011 "Thermal insulating products for applications in building. Methods for determination linear dimensions of test specimens"
GOST EN 1608-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building fapplications. Method for determination of tensile strength parallel to faces"
GOST R 52545.2-2012 "Rolling bearings. Measuring methods for vibration. Part 2. Radial ball bearings"
GOST EN 1609-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building applications. Method for determination of short term water absorption by partial immersion"
GOST 31430-2011 "Thermal insulating products in building applications. Method for determination of organic content"
GOST EN 12087-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building applications. Method for determination of long term water absorption by immersion"
GOST EN 29053-2011 "Acoustical materials. Methods for determination of airflow resistance"
GOST EN 1607-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building applications. Method for determination of tensile strength perpendicular to faces"
GOST R 54893-2012 "Passenger cars on locomotive traction and motor-cars. Lacquer and antidischarge coating reguirements"
GOST 18105-2010 "Coneretes. Rules for control and assessment of strength"
GOST 31421-2010 "Mechanical vibration. Testing of mobile machinery in order to determine the vibration emission value. Industrial trucks"
GOST EN 822-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building applications. Methods for determination of length and width"
GOST R ISO 9727-6-2012 "Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 6. Determination of liquid tightness"
GOST R ISO 9727-2-2012 "Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 2. Determination of mass and apparent density for agglomerated cork stoppers"
GOST EN 823-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building applications. Method for determination of thickness"
GOST EN 826-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building applications. Methods for determination of compression behaviour"
GOST EN 1602-2011 "Thermal insulating products in building applications. Method for determination of the apparent density"
GOST EN 823-2011 "Thermal insulating products for building applications. Method for determination of thickness"


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