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白俄罗斯医疗器械注册 registration of honey products Belarus

欧亚经济委员会理事会 2017年9月4日第17号建议














5 *证明在制造商所在国家/地区签发的申报医疗产品质量的文件(以规定方式认证的文件的原件或复印件(白俄罗斯共和国大使馆的公证副本+领事证明+翻译)),包括:

 -  CE证书(如果有);

 -  ISO 9001(如果有);

 -  ISO 13485(强制性);

 - 生产现场的ISO 13485,如果与制造商的地址不同(强制性);

 - 自由销售证书(医疗产品出口证书)(必需);

 - 制造商的符合性声明(必需)。



 - 使用制作人的语言原文,未经翻译且未经指定机构认证;

 - 双语版本(制造商的语言+俄语),未经指定机构认证;

 - 仅限俄语,未经通知机关认证。





*  - 质量管理体系的合格证书(CEISO 9001,13485),产品合格证书,自由销售证书,制造商符合性声明,在其他国家/地区签发的注册证书(如果有);









 -  200892日白俄罗斯共和国部长理事会决议


 - 白俄罗斯共和国部长理事会决议批准的卫生部及其下属国家组织对法人实体和个体企业家的行政程序清单

N 1430 of 10/31/2007 10/31/2007 N 1430(经白俄罗斯共和国部长理事会决议修正)

希望获得更加详细信息请联系我们。  021-36411223   36411293    gost@gost.org.cn

Registration of medical devices is a mandatory procedure for these products in Belarus. This is a whole range of activities, including quality control, safety and efficiency. The rules for registering medical devices Belarus as a state were enshrined in the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 2435 – XII “On Health Care” dated June 18, 2008 and in the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1269 dated August 2, 2008 “On Approval of the State Registration (Re-registration) of Medical Products and Medical Equipment . Technical points and requirements are indicated in the relevant regulations.

Important: In 2016, it was planned to introduce the registration of medical devices according to the rules approved by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Community No. 46 dated February 12, 2016. However, this procedure is still carried out within the framework of the national legislation of the Republic of Belarus (during the transitional period until December 31, 2021), since the documents for registration procedures within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community are under development.

registration of honey products Belarus
What medical devices are subject to registration
Medical products are products for prophylaxis, research, diagnostics, rehabilitation and treatment. For example, hemostats, gloves, syringes, catheters, canes. Auxiliary materials (containers, packaging, fixtures, etc.) are also classified as such products. Registration is required for medical devices that:

first created and not previously used in the Republic of Belarus;
are analogues of previously registered, but from another manufacturer;
will be used for a new indication;
foreign production and first used in the Republic of Belarus.
In this list, products of domestic and foreign production are not in vain. This affects the registration process. Registration is not necessary for the following medical devices:

produced in the Republic of Belarus by order of foreign legal entities, but intended for use outside the Republic of Belarus;
accessories and spare parts for already registered products;
raw materials and materials for products manufactured in Belarus;
for which permission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus for distribution, application in the Republic of Belarus;
imported into the Republic of Belarus by an individual for personal use only.
Since different materials are used for the manufacture of such products, their purpose differs, it is necessary to refer to the relevant standards and norms during the registration process or in preparation for it.

registration of honey products Belarus
How is the registration
8 stages of registration of medical devices in the Republic of Belarus

The procedure is obligatory for medical products of foreign and domestic production.

1. Apply
If you are an importer or manufacturer, then you need to contact the Unitary Enterprise "Center for Expertise and Testing of Health Care", which registers medical devices in Belarus.
2. Collect all necessary documents.
You will need regulatory and operational documentation.
3. Submit them for initial analysis.
Experts review the documentation and determine the need for various tests and / or inspection control of production.

To register the registration of medical products, you must follow the procedure from the above-mentioned decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. The applicant may be a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. At the same time, he may be the customer of manufacture, and not the direct manufacturer. The applicant will face the following stages of registration of medical devices:

Registration of the registration dossier and its submission to a specialized organization.
Primary examination of documentation.
Inspection of production (if a new manufacturer of medical products of classes 2 and 3 of danger).
Conducting various tests: technical, sanitary and hygienic, clinical.
Conducting specialized expertise of documentation.
Decision on registration by the Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
Registration of the registration certificate.
Logging into the database.
Getting a certificate.
The certificate is valid for 5 years. It is made out on the form of the established sample with protection. The preliminary technical work is carried out by the Center for Expertise and Testing in Health Care, its specialists determine the need and type of testing based on the data obtained from the documentation. The same organization issues an opinion and is responsible for maintaining the identity registry. The ministerial commission can stop the registration of medical devices in Belarus if there is a lack of any data confirming the safety, efficiency and quality of the products presented.

Important: The presence of a registration certificate for a specific medical device is a prerequisite for obtaining tax benefits.

Documents for registration of medical devices
Domestic production:

Application for registration.
Technical regulations from the manufacturer with the method of verification.
Protocols and (or) acts of technical tests.
Protocols and (or) acts of sanitary and hygienic tests.
Protocols and (or) acts of clinical trials.
Instructions for use on a specific product model.
When to re-register
It is necessary to contact the specialized organization for the official renewal of the certificate. Re-registration pass, if:

the validity period of the previously received certificate of registration has expired;
product name has changed;
the manufacturer has changed the name or there was a reorganization;
production country has changed;
Amendments to the technical regulations for the medical device have been made.
These reasons for re-registration of medical devices are described in the above Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

How to more effectively and faster to register
To register the registration of medical products in Belarus as soon as possible, it is important to gather all the necessary documentation. This will avoid comments after the initial examination, which requires time-consuming repairs. Additionally, you can contact the experts with experience in this field. In other countries, different organizations are engaged in this, so qualified assistance for those who want to enter the international market will be extremely useful. Indeed, each country has its own list of goods subject to the CGR (state registration).

 registration of honey products Belarus
希望获得更加详细信息请联系我们。  021-36411223   36411293    gost@gost.org.cn
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